Food is an energy which
we need on a daily bases. It could be enemy.
Food is one of human beings favorite obsessions. It could make you strong,
attractive, great body, muscular power. Also it could make you fat, obese.
and depress. When you watching TV or reading news paper, magazine all
they talking about are how much of the obesity number are growing every day and
that is the impact of food. Some people eat for to comfort, like when they
sad or mad or happy they turn in to food.
I grew up eating organic
food. My mother used to prepare homemade
food for my family. She got up early in the morning and went to small supermarket
which had butcher in it. She bought everything she needed for that day, from breakfast
to dinner. In my country, we did not have frozen food or leftover. Somalia is
a developing county. Our economy was base on farms and livestock. Somali food
culture is Organic because everything we eating are fresh from the garden.
In fact that, I consider my family
and I health eaters and we don’t usually eat organic food. We buy from grocery
story like Cub Food or Rainbow. I prepare
everything we eat. We know what we consume in to our body, like how much calorie are in it, fat and carbohydrate. We stayed away from the junk food. We also
reduce the amount of food we serve to our family. And the food must be health maintain
portion and small dessert. We go out to eat a restaurant once a month. My children
love pizza. They got to eat once a month also. My husband and I are different, he
eats almost anything, on the other hand I am picky eater. I only eat what I know. I am also polite
when I am with my friends and they want to try unfamiliar food I eat with them without
making ugly faces despite how I feel about the food.
Eating together is part of our culture. My husband and I have hectic schedule, we usually see each other at the door. Because we both students at MCTC, we both work. However, we maintain our culture. we eat breakfast together every morning. Tell each other what is going on in our lives. Kisses our children good bye and tell them how much we love them, also how much we love each other.
Eating together is part of our culture. My husband and I have hectic schedule, we usually see each other at the door. Because we both students at MCTC, we both work. However, we maintain our culture. we eat breakfast together every morning. Tell each other what is going on in our lives. Kisses our children good bye and tell them how much we love them, also how much we love each other.
In the article of “Eating Food that’s Better for you, Organic or
Not,” by Mark Bittman. “People believe
it must be better for you if it’s organic.” Say Phil Howard an assistant professor of
community, food and agriculture at Michigan. This quote explain how people assume
the minute they see the name of organic. They think it is health, but it is far
from health. The fact that you know now what is in it, what was made for.
Somali people eats a lot of meal like you could see these pictures I posted. This picture is normal Somali breakfast. This is Injera, some vegetable, orange juice or tea and liver. like I said before we eat a lot of meat. like Goat, Sheep, Camel, Cow, Fish and Chicken. The fact is that food played big role of obesity. Activity are another part which plays big role too. Although eating meat three times a day is not health. You hardly see over size people in Somalia I mean ( Fat or Obese). The only big size people you might see will be the richest people in Somalia. It just like here they don't got enough exercise. I would say Somalian people are average not too skinny nor over size.
Somali people eats a lot of meal like you could see these pictures I posted. This picture is normal Somali breakfast. This is Injera, some vegetable, orange juice or tea and liver. like I said before we eat a lot of meat. like Goat, Sheep, Camel, Cow, Fish and Chicken. The fact is that food played big role of obesity. Activity are another part which plays big role too. Although eating meat three times a day is not health. You hardly see over size people in Somalia I mean ( Fat or Obese). The only big size people you might see will be the richest people in Somalia. It just like here they don't got enough exercise. I would say Somalian people are average not too skinny nor over size.
This is our normal lunch. This is made rice, some vegetable, and chicken with banana.
Therefore, it is important to remember that. even though, what you eating is not organic.You could make your own health homemade food. And maintain health and portion size. That is what we do.